The Student Trustee has the responsibility of representing all Morton College 学生s as a non-voting member of the Morton College 校董会. This position is highly sought-after on our campus and requires strong commitment, 学生的奉献精神和精力. While the position is demanding, it is also an extremely rewarding experience.
由法律规定, colleges are required to have 学生 representation on the 校董会 governing the institution. This position, Student Trustee, is not only important to administration but also to the 学生s.
Eligible 学生s may apply for the position by completing an application form. 一名学生受托人将由学生团体选出. The 学生 trustee’s first responsibility is to attend the April 校董会 meeting.
联系你的学生受托人 学生.trustee@inneryankee.com.
- 年满18岁
- 累积平均绩点为2分.5 or greater as determined by the Office of 招生 and Records at the time the application is submitted
- Be enrolled in a minimum of nine credit hours at Morton College
- 他进入了立博网站中文版的第二学期
- 没有学生行为规范记录吗
- 同意完成整个任期(2019年4月至2020年4月)
- 在截止日期前完成并提交申请
- 下载申请及资料表格(PDF)
- Petition for the office by acquiring at least 50 signatures from current Morton College 学生s
- Submit a letter of recommendation from a Morton College faculty member or administrator
- Submit all the above to the Student Activities Office by the deadline
- Participate in a debate(s) (publicized by the Student Activities Office) at an open forum where 学生s may ask questions of the applicant
职责 of the 校董会学生委员 are as stipulated in the Illinois Public Community College Act, 第110章, 805年法案, 段3, 7-24节:
The nonvoting 学生 member shall have all of the privileges of membership, including the right to make and second motions and to attend executive sessions, 除了选举权.
Further, it shall be the duty of the 校董会学生委员 to:
- Abide by and uphold all Board Policies, State regulations and statutes
- Attend and participate in all regular and special meetings of the 校董会
- Render an advisory vote on all matters brought to the 校董会 for approval
- Represent the views and opinions of the 学生 body and the Student Association
- Report to the Student Association on actions taken by the 校董会 at its meetings
The Student Trustee will serve a term of office of one year beginning on April 15 and ending on April 15 of the following year. 学生必须能修满一年的课程.
The 学生 trustee shall be limited to a one-year term and may not be re-elected.
The Student Trustee is elected at large by plurality vote of the voting 学生s in the Morton College district. Each Morton College 学生 is allowed one vote to vote for only one candidate. The winner of the election is whichever candidate represents a plurality of voters, 这是, 谁获得最多的选票.
校园选举在四月的第一个星期三举行. 投票在黑豹传送门进行. 网上投票于上午8点开始.m. 晚上8点关门.m.
- 大学奖学金用于支付学费
- Opportunity to travel to a variety of conferences state and nationwide
- 领导机会