恭喜你被立博网站中文版录取! Your online New Student Orientation(NSO) experience will provide you with opportunities to build community virtually, 帮助你了解如何成为MC的学生, 并指导您完成咨询和注册过程.
不管这是你大学的第一年还是你要转到MC, 我们希望你了解MC,为你的课程做好准备. 所有新生都需要在线NSO的所有组成部分.
What to Expect at NSO
你的新生迎新会(NSO)经历是令人兴奋的旋风, nerves, 还能学到很多信息. 我们理解你可能会忘记一些事情, 我想重温一些新概念, 并在过程中提出问题.
新生迎新小组, academic Coaches, 来自整个校园的合作伙伴在这里指导你完成这个过程.
Follow these simple steps to complete your online NSO program before classes begin.
Please log into your Panther Portal 随时完成在线模块.
Next Steps to Register
- 提交正式成绩单和/或SAT/ACT/AP考试成绩: Students must request for their official test and high school/college transcripts to be sent over to our Office of Admissions & Records. 考试成绩将决定是否可以免除分班考试. 然后,要求在线“评估”你的成绩单 here.
- 经济援助、奖学金或付款计划: 请致电708与您的财务援助顾问预约.656.8000 ext.2428 or email financial.aid@inneryankee.com. It is important to meet with your financial aid advisor to verify all documents and forms are completed in order to receive your aid. 不符合FAFSA或RISE ACT资格的学生, 是否还需要办理有关奖学金和学生贷款的手续. Students who do not qualify for any option above must set up for a payment plan through the Cashier's office 708.656.8000 ext.2268, cashiers@inneryankee.com,或访问他们的Panther门户自助服务菜单.
- Academic Advising: 请致电708与您的学术顾问预约.656.8000 ext.2250 or email advising@inneryankee.com. It is important to meet with your advisor to discuss your college and career goals, 根据你对课程的兴趣选择本学期的课程, 安排一次分班测试. 咨询处位于B栋一楼. 秋季学期开始注册!
- 注册后,领取您的图书: 知道你在上什么课? Awesome! 您可以访问我们的Follet电子书店,购买或租用您的资料. Purchase your books early so you can get a head start and be ready for your first day of class. http://www.bkstr.com/mortonstore/home
NSO part 2事件-保存日期
Thursday, August 8th, 2024
Both parts of NSO are mandatory for students who have graduated from High School within the last 3 years (Class of 2021-Present). 不完成将导致以后的注册暂停.
NSO第二部分的注册将于5月15日开始th, 2024.
To register and learn more:
Email: recruiter@inneryankee.com
Call: (708)656-8000 ext. 2484
Academic Advising
The Academic Advising Center is available to help students create a coursework plan that allows them to succeed at Morton College.
Every student should meet with an Academic Advisor frequently to ensure that they have current academic information and are making progress toward their educational goals.
- Academic advising
- Educational planning
- 学院和大学转学要求
Financial Aid
The Financial Aid office makes every effort to assist qualified students who are in need of funds to continue their education to secure the grants, loans, scholarships, and student work-study program opportunities that can help them meet their educational and professional goals.
Athletic Department
The Morton College Athletics is to provide a superior experience for all of our student-athletes and provide them with the highest quality athletic program that will give them a foundation to help compete for Illinois Skyway Conference championships, National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) championships and help them become better athletes and better students in the classroom.
Student Activities
Here you will have the opportunity to meet other students and create long lasting friendships, 发展个人和专业技能, 与校园部门和社区组织建立联系, 并参加黑豹的体验!
Morton College Food Pantry
The pantry is an available resource available to you and with our partnership with the Greater Chicago Food Depository we provide a variety of food options, toiletries, 以及有关SNAP福利和其他资源的一般信息. So be sure to check it out on the third floor of building C and use it as much as you need.
在COVID-19大流行期间, our Morton College response has been focused on our campus community’s health and safety. We will continue with our commitment as a guiding principle of our return to campus plans for faculty, staff, and students. 我们将继续密切关注疾病预防控制中心的建议和各州的指导方针.
Dean of Students Office
The Dean of Students Office is committed to listening and helping you navigate through some of the concerns and challenges you may face as a student. The offices not only handles student conduct issues but also they are your campus advocate and can provide assistance whether it is managing an emergency, 了解校园政策和程序, 帮你找到合适的大学资源.